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Introducing … Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Michael Feierabend


Having recently been accused of being a proud father, I simply have to plead ‘guilty’!   You see, last weekend I had the distinct privilege of walking my youngest daughter, Monica, down the long aisle to be united in holy matrimony to Jon Feierabend.  In doing so, I found myself flooded with the most intense emotions.

Love.  Hope.  Anxiety.  Joy.

I had been praying for Jon for years, although I didn’t know his name until recently.  Even before Monica was born, I began asking God to provide the perfect spouse for our perfect little baby.  It isn’t every day that I get to see the answer to my prayers walk through the door on two legs, but you can understand how thrilled I was when I finally met Jon.

Right now, as Monica, Jon and I see some of our biggest dreams come true, I’m drawn to ponder the future.  Are there new dreams I need to pursue?   Old dreams I could revive?  Today’s joy inspires me with renewed hope for many tomorrows.Quote box2

What about you?  Is there a big dream stirring deep within your soul?  Don’t let it die the bitter death of neglect.

I stand with you in eager anticipation of what God has in store for your future.

Your friend,


Kent Stroman, CFRE

America’s ASKing Coach

PS:  Please take a moment to share a dream fulfilled … or still in the making.  I’d love to hear from you.

Photo courtesy of Holly Gannett Photography.

One Comment
  1. Carmen E. Feierabend

    Wow! Sorry for the delay. I just found this post by accident. Thank you for your beautiful sentiments on my son Jonathan. I too pondered who Jon was going to marry. After six years had pasted since he graduated from OU, I wondered why he was still single. Every time I would bring it up, he would say, “mom, don’t worry, I just haven’t found the right one.” And then when I found out about Monica and that she too was from Bartlesville, and that my son Jonathan had known her since he was in 3rd grade when he first met her at his best friend Tyler’s house. She was one of Laurel’s best friends, Tyler’s sister. Then right before Jon was going to start 12 grade, my husband got transferred to Houston. After graduating from High School, he went to OU. After graduating from OU, he got a job offer in Oklahoma Ciry. Five years later he ran into Monica at the church he was going. God’s hand had always been upon them. He brought them back together full circle from the day they first met at Tyler’s to the day they ran into each other in OKC. His dad and I our so thankful to God for this beautiful blessing he has blessed our son Jonathan and our family. And He has also blessed us all with our two beautiful grandkids, Preston and Hailey. Thank you Jesus.

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