Answer: You do. . . if you want to get better at getting better.
A few years ago, I was introduced to a book by Doug Lemov called Practice Perfect: 42 Rules for Getting Better at Getting Better. It was actually my friend Barron Ryan who first recommended the book, and he’s certainly someone who knows a thing or two about getting better at getting better. (Need proof?)
In Doug’s book, he tells a story of a young, successful surgeon at the top of his field. Even still, that man wanted to be better at performing surgery. It never happened until he hired a professional coach.
I regularly use a professional coach to help me get better. What about you? Are you interested in getting better at getting better in any of these three areas?
If you are, let’s talk.
Kent Stroman
America’s ASKing Coach
PS: I’d love to craft a professional coaching plan that’s exactly right for you. Let’s get started today.