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These 17 Laws are transformational!

I’m so excited to introduce you to The 17 Laws of The Intentional Board!

It has taken me years (more years than I want to admit) to develop the 17 Laws, to write the book, and now to launch the content on YouTube.

Did I mention I’m sooooo excited?!?

The 17 Laws of the Intentional Board provide the framework for my latest book. These laws apply to every board, and I think you’ll agree they apply equally to other aspects of our lives.

Let me go ahead and warn you: I’ll be sending you an email every day, for the next few weeks, with a 2 minute video featuring one of the 17 Laws.

Click here to get started with today’s introduction.

Tomorrow’s email will feature Law #1: The Law of the Page. (If you just can’t wait, you can find all of the videos here.)


Your friend,

Kent Stroman
America’s ASKing Coach

PS: Please share this with a friend or two!

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