Many leaders tell me they want a more balanced life. What exactly does that mean? Balance, of course, means different things to different people, so taking some time to uncover what balance means to you is a valuable exercise.
To help with your exploration is a handy tool called the Wheel of Life, which you can download here. By determining how satisfied you are in life balance topics such as Health, Personal Development, Career, Finances, Family, and Fun, you can easily identify areas in which your level of satisfaction is acceptable. You’ll also spot areas where you would like to improve your satisfaction, and thus improve your “balance”…and your life.Once you’ve filled out the Wheel of Life and identified the area(s) you want to improve upon, ask yourself, “What would have to happen for me to move up one number in the range?” Then, you can work on that item to make it happen. When you’re ready, move up another number in that same area, or move on to the next topic. Or, depending on your style, you can work on all the areas you want to improve upon at the same time!Completing the Wheel of Life will help you determine at a glance where you are vs. where you want to be. Using the wheel to change what you want to change will help you be able to say “Yes! My life is balanced just the way I want it!”Questions? Email me. Meanwhile, have fun exploring your life balance!