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How you show up energetically affects your results

Most of the time we think about energy as our “get up and go”. Or maybe we look at energy in terms of the number of calories we need to go about our daily business or to exercise without hitting the wall.
But, there is another way to look at energy: What is your level of energy based on your attitudes, perspectives or perceptions of your world? How do you show up energetically under normal circumstances? What about under stress?
Your Energy: Catabolic or Anabolic?
Based on work done by Bruce D Schneider, founder of IPEC Coaching, there are 7 levels of energy. 2 are catabolic and 5 are anabolic.
Catabolic energy is draining, contracting, resisting, breaking down, energy. It releases cortisol and adrenaline. Fight or flight. Useful when fleeing from the bear chasing you, but not as helpful when relating to a colleague or someone close to you. Do you ever feel apathetic (like a victim) or angry toward someone or some circumstance? If so, you’re experiencing the catabolic energy of levels 1 and 2.
Anabolic energy is expanding, fueling, healing, growth oriented, creative energy. This energy helps you move forward, achieve your goals and see results. Anabolic energy is critical to leadership. The feelings include forgiveness, compassion, peace, joy and absolute passion and are found in energy levels 3-7.
Each of us is made up of all of the energy levels. And, there are appropriate times for responding with catabolic energy. However, if catabolic energy is your “go to” response, over time it will be destructive to both you as a person and to your organization. The good news is that as you explore and experience higher energy levels and become aware of your energetic responses, you can choose how you want to respond to virtually every person and situation in your life!
Here is an example of various energetic responses to a fairly common situation: Someone just took credit for an idea that was yours.
Level 1: I never get credit for my good ideas. Why bother.
Level 2: How dare she get the credit! That was MY idea! I’m going to get her back for this one!
Level 3: I forgive her for taking the credit. It’s a good idea, I’ll make sure the implementation is first rate so people see I understand the idea completely since it was mine to begin with.
Level 4: I can see how important it is to her to see this idea is implemented. I’ll do everything I can to make sure we get it done.
Level 5: This was a good idea. It doesn’t matter who gets the credit. I’m just glad we are implementing it.
Level 6: I’m thrilled that this idea is worth implementing and am humbled to be the means through which the idea was brought forth at this place and time.
Level 7: Ideas come from a higher source. We are all here to receive and bring forth ideas into the world. I can’t wait to see what’s next!
Can you see how the different levels of response will not only affect how you think, feel and act, but also how your response will affect everyone around you? The implications are huge for your leadership roles. How you show up energetically is a powerful leadership tool which can literally transform you as an individual as well as turn around your entire organization.
Here are some resources to explore increasing your energetic profile. I use them in my coaching practice and my clients find them extremely helpful.
Wishing you much anabolic energy from this day forward!

P.S. If you’re curious about your own Energy Leadership Profile (how you show up energetically under normal circumstances and under stress), email me for information about how to take the Energy Leadership Index Assessment.
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