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David Wagner’s Blessing

When my publisher asked me to reach out to my colleagues, peers, and leaders in the field for pre-publication reviews of The Intentional Board, I couldn’t have imagined the uplifting feedback that would follow.

I’m sharing these reviews, one at a time, as an expression of my gratitude for the generous support of these friends.

“The Accidental Intentional Board offers a “true north” compass reading for board members and CEOs to follow if they are sincere in mapping out – and then following – the pathway leading to effective board engagement.

You ask…Is there really a path for a board journey in today’s world that does not include the usual “ruts” of aggravation, frustration and ineffectiveness? Yes!

The answer is here!”

David Wagner
Partner, CFO
Schnake Turnbo Frank

Thanks, David, for your support, encouragement, and friendship!

Your friend,
Kent Stroman, CFRE


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