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Boards can’t raise money. So, what’s a board MEMBER to do?

Here is a fact about boards — they can’t raise money.   A board can pass motions and deliberate in meetings, but as an entity, the board can’t raise money.  Board members, on the other hand, can and should be a part of the fundraising process.  Members can do lots of things for the benefit of a charitable organization.

So, what’s a board member to do?   My recommendation is that board members plan to invest 20% of their volunteer time in the boardroom, governing.  That leaves the other 80% outside the boardroom attracting resources to the mission . . . i.e. raising money. This doesn’t mean board members should fly solo or even be the lead voice in fundraising, but they should be involved.  Maybe they have good relationships with potential donors and can introduce them to the CEO or Development Director.

The idea is for board members to be engaged as effectively as possible.  As a board member, step up and get involved with stewarding gifts, thanking donors, opening doors, speaking on behalf of the organization, and sometimes making that big ask.

What steps can you take to change the boards you serve?

Your friend,
PS: If it’s time to equip your board members for greater impact inside and outside the boardroom, give us a call.  We can help.
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